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Believe it or not, in 2024, over 100 million Americans remain disconnected or under-connected from the digital world. It’s a formidable barrier to education, employment, and essential services. Enter digital navigation—a game-changing strategy in our quest to bridge this gap and unleash economic potential.

Digital navigators, tech-savvy guides serving as catalysts for change, are revolutionizing this landscape. They connect people to the internet and empower individuals to thrive in our increasingly digital economy using comprehensive digital navigation services.

The impact of digital navigators can be felt in almost every aspect of the lives they touch, from boosting employment opportunities to enhancing access to healthcare and financial services. By addressing unique challenges faced by underserved communities, these unsung heroes are paving the way for economic empowerment and upward mobility on an unprecedented scale.

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What do Digital Navigators do?

Digital navigators are tech-savvy community champions who bridge the gap between technology and those left behind in the digital age. These dedicated individuals wear multiple hats: they’re personal advisors, skill-building coaches, and resource connectors. Their mission? To transform the often overwhelming world of technology into an accessible, personalized journey for each individual they serve.

At the heart of their mission, digital navigators tackle the digital divide on three crucial fronts: availability, affordability, and adoption. They help individuals find devices that fit both their needs and budgets and offer end-to-end support across the entire spectrum of digital needs. Whether it’s locating affordable internet options or identifying relevant online courses for a person’s goals, these guides open doors to a world of digital possibilities.

The impact of this comprehensive approach extends far beyond basic connectivity. By empowering individuals to fully participate in our digital society, navigators are setting the stage for profound economic transformations. 

The Economic Impact of Digital Navigation

A Boston Consulting Group study revealed that over 65% of participants working with digital navigators gained home internet or device access, with Black and Hispanic users reporting even higher increases in digital adoption and usage. This means that the economic impact of digital navigation is substantial. Starting with the job market, according to the Philadelphia Federal Reserve, there are large gaps (7 to 17 percentage points) in labor force participation rates between those who have a computer with broadband access and those who do not.

Additionally, a study from AND Digital revealed that 81% of managing directors admit that a lack of digital skills negatively impacts their organization.  A Boston Consulting Group study also  revealed that over one in three individuals assisted by digital navigators secured new employment or boosted their income. So not only does digital navigation help people access jobs who otherwise wouldn’t be able to, but digital navigators also indirectly support many companies’ hiring and retention efforts.

This effect is particularly profound for historically underserved groups. A study of areas where Comcast’s Internet Essentials program is available found that households that adopted broadband were on average 8.1 percentage points more likely to be employed and earned on average $2,202 more in annual household income. And, as reported by Pew Research Center, while 20% of white Americans lack broadband access, the figure jumps to 29% for Black Americans and 35% for Hispanic Americans. Digital navigators are actively working to close this gap, providing targeted support to ensure equal access to job opportunities across all communities. 

The economic benefits of digital navigation extend far beyond employment. In our increasingly cashless society, digital financial literacy is essential. The impact is significant: the Boston Consulting Group study found that 85% of individuals who gained internet access through digital navigation programs now engage with online resources more frequently, including financial services.

Ecotone Analytics reports that every dollar invested in digital access yields a projected $2.40 in societal value. This translates to enhanced economic growth, reduced social service expenditures, and stronger, more resilient communities. In fact, Human-I-T’s digital inclusion initiatives have connected over 110,000 households to the internet, creating a massive potential for economic empowerment.

Human-I-T’s Digital Navigation Strategy

At Human-I-T, our holistic approach to digital navigation tackles the digital divide head-on, addressing not just access, but the full spectrum of digital inclusion challenges.

We’ve honed our approach into a powerful four-step process that ensures no one falls through the cracks:

  1. Personalized Needs Assessment: We start by listening. Our navigators dive deep into each individual’s unique situation, understanding their goals, challenges, and current tech comfort level.
  2. Tailored Resource Guidance: Armed with this insight, we map out a personalized digital pathway. Whether it’s connecting to low-cost internet options or identifying the perfect refurbished device, we ensure every recommendation fits like a glove.
  3. Hands-On Acquisition Support: From filling out applications for cheap internet to helping users setup and use their new devices, our navigators provide step-by-step assistance every step of the way.
  4. Ongoing Progress Tracking: Our commitment doesn’t end at the finish line. We conduct regular check-ins, celebrating milestones and addressing any new challenges that arise.

With each device connected, each skill taught, and each life changed, we’re inching closer to a world where digital opportunity knows no bounds.

The journey ahead is challenging, but the potential rewards are immeasurable. As we continue to innovate, collaborate, and advocate for digital equity, we invite you to join us in shaping a future where technology serves as a bridge, not a barrier, to economic empowerment for all.

Connect People in Your Community with Digital Navigation

Lo Terry

About Lo Terry