Be apart of human-I-T’s new Digital Literacy Program!
In North America, 16% of the population (the digitally illiterate) find it hard to navigate the technological world. This means that nearly 5 million Americans cannot turn on a computer, write an email, or look up a topic of interest. This is an issue because more than 50% of the jobs within this country require at least basic computer skills. Digital illiteracy also poses a threat to one’s education since nearly 80% of all schools in America use technology on a daily basis within the classroom. Without basic knowledge regarding technology, digitally illiterate Americans are at a severe disadvantage in both the workplace and the classroom.
In an effort to lessen the amount of people victim to digital illiteracy, human-I-T is launching human-I-T Include, a new program aimed at providing people with knowledge to navigate the ever-expanding digital world. The great thing about this program is that after completion students will not only increase their digital knowledge but they may also be eligible for a free computer! The program will consist of online courses that can be accessed in any location (home, work, or a human-I-T lab) and on any device. The lessons will include definitions on basic computer components (and windows 10) as well as how-to’s (type, navigate, write an email, etc.); they will be in the form of written text, pictures, and walk-through videos. Plus, for those that choose to work on the courses at human-I-T, there will be a tutor available to answer any questions and assist with any learning!
human-I-T already provides refurbished laptops, desktops, and internet at low-costs in order to reduce E-Waste and grant technological access to those without it. With the addition of this digital literacy program, human-I-T will have all the necessary resources to become a digital citizen: computers, internet, and training! The goal at human-I-T is to reduce electronic waste while also helping the underserved communities gain access and knowledge to technology.
If you are someone in need of human-I-T’s digital resources or part of an organization who serves disadvantaged individuals, please call (888)391-7249 or text (562)372-6925 to request more information.