Partner NewsWhat's New at Human-I-T PowerOn Campaign Technology Donations August 31, 2016 Human-I-T human-I-T is dedicated to helping the LGBTQ community connect, and to promoting equality through empowerment.Read more >
Partner NewsWhat's New at Human-I-T PowerOn, Moonlight Villa Computers & Wednesday Wisdom August 31, 2016 Human-I-T Today on The Weekly Plug we look at a recent PowerOn event, a review of a distribution event at Moonlight…Read more >
Uncategorized President Obama’s 2016 State of the Union Address August 31, 2016 Human-I-T Technology continues to be an important topic of conversation, from a social and environmental perspective.Read more >
Partner NewsSocial ImpactWhat's New at Human-I-T Project #PowerOn With Hunger Games Josh Hutcherson August 31, 2016 Human-I-T Josh Hutcherson, Straight But Not Narrow advocate, says “I’m kicking off the Power On campaign by donating one of my…Read more >
Partner NewsSocial Impact Project Wonderful – OurCycle LA with the Wonderful Company August 31, 2016 Human-I-T Does your company want to hold a corporate volunteer day?Read more >
Social Impact Proud Veteran is Empowered With Technology August 31, 2016 Human-I-T We feel very honored to have donated a laptop to a United States Veteran, Mr. Ela.Read more >
Partner NewsSocial ImpactWhat's New at Human-I-T Quantum Computers, International Women’s Day & OurCycle LA August 31, 2016 Human-I-T Today we look at how IBM is quickly advancing its quantum computers, recognizing the vital role women have on science…Read more >
Uncategorized Rediscovering NeXT Computers With Scott Kelly August 31, 2016 Human-I-T 32 years ago Steve Jobs was ousted from Apple, leading him to start NeXT Inc. and continuing the crystallization of…Read more >
Environmental ImpactITAD Reducing Ewaste, VR Laptops & Artificial Intelligence August 31, 2016 Human-I-T Today we look at how The Burbank Master Recycler Program is reducing E-waste, Alienware’s powerful laptop, & a new AI…Read more >