DetroitE-WasteEnvironmental ImpactITADPartner NewsSocial ImpactWhat's New at Human-I-T human-I-T Officially Kicks Off Empowering Digital Detroit Initiative May 20, 2021 Human-I-T On June 16, human-I-T was joined at its Detroit headquarters by local officials and community leaders to launch the Empowering…Read more >
Getting ConnectedSocial ImpactWhat's New at Human-I-T Human-I-T is Pioneering a New, Better Way Path Towards Digital Literacy May 4, 2021 Human-I-T human-I-T is excited to announce the launch of human-I-T Include: a free, self-paced program that offers participants a path towards…Read more >
DetroitPartner NewsSocial Impact How One Truck Helped human-I-T and GM Enable Remote Learning in Detroit April 30, 2021 Human-I-T Thanks to our partnership with GM and Connect 313, human-I-T was able to enable 100 Detroit residents to continue remote…Read more >
Environmental ImpactPartner News The Quick and Easy Thing Avocado Green Brands and human-I-T are Doing to Beautify Our Communities April 29, 2021 Human-I-T With Earth Day fast-approaching, we at human-I-T wanted to share an easy, fun way for you to engage with your…Read more >
Environmental Impact Why You Should Shut Off Your Webcam April 22, 2021 Human-I-T We all saw those photos of cities without any smog, but did they tell the whole story? Is working from…Read more >
E-WasteEnvironmental Impact 5 Ways You Can Reduce E-Waste April 19, 2021 Human-I-T With Earth Day just around the corner, we wanted to take a moment to discuss the issue that served as…Read more >
Environmental ImpactSocial ImpactWhat's New at Human-I-T human-I-T 2020 Annual Report Spotlight – Community Impact February 22, 2021 Human-I-T 2020 Annual Report Spotlight - Community ImpactRead more >
Environmental ImpactITADPartner News human-I-T and Avocado Green Mattress Partner for People and the Planet January 14, 2021 Human-I-T Read how the two organizations came together to promote environmental sustainabilityRead more >
Partner NewsWhat's New at Human-I-T human-I-T is partnering with Sponsored! December 14, 2020 Human-I-T Sponsored, the new marketplace for podcasters & marketers, commits to donating 5% of all sponsorships to human-I-T!Read more >