We Use Augmented Intelligence to Amplify Community Support

At Human-I-T, we’re revolutionizing how we support underserved communities using cutting-edge augmented intelligence (AI). Our innovative AI projects have already shown remarkable results, and we’re excited to partner with government officials and private entities to exponentially increase the scale and impact of community support.

Our AI Success Stories

Hugh the Manatee

Meet Hugh, our AI assistant that’s transforming how we interact with those seeking digital access. From bill payments to membership inquiries, Hugh analyzes individual needs and, through interactive dialogue, provides step-by-step guidance to offer connectivity and device options tailored to individuals’ goals and financial constraints.

Prompting Pirates

We’ve developed an engaging, pirate-themed AI chatbot game to introduce middle and high school students to the power of AI. Through this game, students can learn prompting techniques and explore AI capabilities in a fun, interactive environment
(go ahead, try it!).

The Future of AI-Powered Community Support

The above two projects are just the beginning. With the help of our incredible partners, we’re developing a truly state-of-the-art AI assistant native to human-i-t.org that will:

Offer round-the-clock support in multiple languages

Provide personalized guidance for finding affordable connectivity options

Offer real-time troubleshooting for tech issues

Navigate users through online services and digital literacy programs

Partner with Human-I-T to Enhance Your Digital Inclusion Programs with AI

By collaborating with Human-I-T, you’re joining a movement to revolutionize community support through AI. Here’s what our partnership can offer:

Scalable Support:  Extend your reach and support more community members without straining resources.

24/7 Accessibility:  Provide round-the-clock assistance to your constituents, addressing their needs anytime.

Customized Solutions:  We’ll tailor our AI capabilities to address the unique challenges faced by your community.

Let’s discuss how we can amplify your community support efforts with AI. Contact us today to explore a partnership that will shape the future of digital inclusion in your area.

Together, we can build a more connected, empowered, and digitally inclusive future for all.