Empower people.

Protect the planet.

Donate your e-waste and help us empower people with the digital tools, resources, and support they need to unlock their full potential.

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Human-I-T is a nonprofit and social enterprise that creates equitable access to opportunity by providing devices, internet access, digital skills training, and tech support for communities left on the wrong side of the digital divide, while at the same time, empowering businesses and organizations to do good by diverting technology from landfills to protect our planet.

Read our latest Annual Report to learn more about how we made the world a more sustainable, equitable place to live in 2023

Read the Annual Report

We Solve Two Big Problems

The Digital Divide

Over 150 million Americans lack access to a personal computer, internet connection, or both. This lack of access to digital technology creates a significant gap between the opportunities unconnected people can access and the ones digitally native households can. This gap in opportunities is known as the digital divide, and it’s our mission to shrink it because we believe that equitable access to information and technology empowers people to achieve their fullest potential.

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Electronic waste, or e-waste, refers to electronic products and components that are unwanted, unusable, or nearing the end of their useful life. While e-waste only makes up 2% of the mass in landfills, it accounts for 70% of toxic waste. Unfortunately, recycling is no longer a sufficient method for disposing waste sustainably; given the scale of the climate crisis, reuse is now a prerequisite for protecting the planet.

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Join us in turning e-waste into opportunity.

Your tech donations bridge the digital divide and protect our planet. It’s a win-win-win for you, people in need, and the environment!

ITAD Solutions Start Here

One Simple Solution

Reducing e-waste and shrinking the digital divide actually go hand-in-hand. Instead of letting unwanted electronics contaminate our environment, we refurbish and refresh donated devices before distributing them to local communities through targeted programs and initiatives. We also make the devices available through our low-cost store that’s accessible to eligible individuals across the country—creating more equitable access to the technology our neighbors need to thrive.

By pairing these devices with low-cost internet connections, digital training, and 1-1 technical support, we’re ensuring that everyone has an equal opportunity to unlock their full potential through digital technology. That means more students can confidently do their homework and achieve an education, seniors can easily access healthcare services, working parents can find and train for new employment opportunities, and so much more – all while protecting the planet from e-waste.

Learn More About Our Impact


tech items distributed


households assisted with internet


digital literacy learners


tech support tickets


pounds of e-waste diverted from landfills

Transform Unwanted Technology into Opportunities for People In-Need

Human-I-T makes it easy for businesses and organizations across different industries to do good by diverting their unwanted technology away from landfills and into the hands of people who need it most. 

After you make a tax-deductible technology donation to Human-I-T, you’ll receive a comprehensive social and environmental impact report that you can use to showcase how your organization took a leading role in crafting a more sustainable, equitable world.

Explore Opportunities Online with Low-Cost Technology, Internet, Training & Support

In order to comprehensively shrink the digital divide, we offer you access to low-cost computers, low-cost internet, free digital literacy training and tech support. Click the boxes below to explore how we can help you and members of your community unlock their full potential through digital technology.

Tech Support
Affordable Technology
Low-Cost Internet
Digital Literacy Training

Want to get a laptop from brands like Apple, Lenovo, or Dell at a huge discount? 

Shop Our Online Store

Some of Our Valued Partners

Click here to learn more about how Human-I-T’s corporate sponsorship opportunities makes it easy for organizations to achieve their ESG, SDG, and employee activation goals by transforming their financial contribution into positive social and environmental impacts.